
Year 7 Transition: September 2025

This page will be updated throughout the school year with information on applications to Fitzalan for the Year 7 cohort of September 2025.

The school open evening will take place on Thursday 26th September 2024, we look forward to welcoming you on that evening and giving you a school tour. Details will be shared soon.

It is important to recognise that all admissions to Fitzalan are made through Cardiff Local Authority as the admissions authority for the area. You will need to apply through this process. Your child will have been given information by their primary school to show you how to do this, and your primary school will be able to support you in making an application.

All applications will need to be made in November 2024 and you will be notified by email of the decision in March 2025.


Best wishes,

Mr R Hopkins                                                        

Deputy Headteacher                                            

Fitzalan High School                                          


School Application:

For further details please visit Cardiff Local Authority admissions page.

7 tips on making an application

Admissions information - Welsh

Admissions information - English

These documents are available in a range of languages:

Arabic - 7 tips on making an application

Bengali - 7 tips on making an application

Czech - 7 tips on making an application

Polish - 7 tips on making an application

Romanian - 7 tips on making an application

Somali - 7 tips on making an application

Portuguese - 7 tips on making an application


A video is available to support you and is also available in a range of languages below - please scroll down:



























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