

Our new prospectus has been re-designed to take account of our academic improvements over the past couple of years. We hope you enjoy reading it.

We have outstanding partnership links with our partner primary schools. They are Grangetown, Kitchener, Lansdowne, Mount Stuart, Ninian Park, Severn, Radnor, St Mary the Virgin CIW and St Pauls CIW. Students who live within the catchment areas of these primary schools will normally be allocated places at Fitzalan.

Application forms are available direct from the LEA and these must be returned by November for successful admission. Places are allocated in March by Cardiff LEA. Those students who live outside the catchment area can still be allocated a place providing there are spaces available within the year group.

If you would like to visit the school to see us in action please make an appointment; you would be very welcome.



Page Downloads  
Prospectus Brochure Download
Prospectus Insert 2023 2024 Download
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