
News Blog

Posted on: 06/02/2024

Donation of a First World War Shell from the Battle of the Somme

One of our Year 7 pupils, Lukas D’arcy is a regular volunteer at Barry War Museum.  As a thank you to Lukas for his volunteering, the museum has kindly donated a First World War shell from the Battle of the Somme.  The shell was found by Udders and Alun, also volunteers at Barry War Museum.  The history department are thrilled to receive this very poignant historical artefact and it will feature in lessons where we look at different types of evidence and also when we investigate the First World War.  The use of artefacts is a popular aspect of history lessons at Fitzalan and pupils enjoy the ‘hands on’ approach to history.

Thank you to Lukas and Barry War Museum for this kind donation.

Written by Mr A Smith




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