
News Blog

Posted on: 16/01/2023

Year 8 Geography Trip To Bristol Aquarium

On Wednesday 30th November 2022 some of the geography teachers; Miss. M. Dykes-Swindell, Ms. Z. Adams as well as Mr. L. Bose (mathematics PGCE student) took a group of Year 8 pupils to Bristol aquarium to develop their knowledge and understanding of the environments and habitats found around the world, with a particular focus on marine ecosystems and the impact of plastic pollution within the global oceans. 

The visit included a guided tour of the aquarium and a discussion of positive and negative human impacts on the aquatic environment including marine pollution and the prevalent issue of plastics to coral bleaching and global warming.  The tour also included an exclusive fish feeding experience, which encouraged the pupils to connect to the natural world. 

After the visit the Year 8 geographers walked around Bristol harbour, where they discussed landuse and regeneration.  The day ended with a visit to the vintage winter wonderland in Millennium Square.   

Written by Mr S Draper




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