
News Blog

Posted on: 09/05/2024

Year 8 visit to the Tower of London

On Friday 26th April, the history department took a group of 35 pupils to visit the very historic Tower of London.  After a very early start from Cardiff, we saw the Crown Jewels, the Beauchamp Tower and the famous Bloody Tower, before meeting with a costumed guide, who talked to us about Elizabethan Prisoners. 

Year 8 have been studying the Reformation, so they were very interested to hear about the imprisonment, torture and (sometimes) escape of Catholic priests in the Tower.  We saw the supposed execution site and went into the Chapel of St Peter ad Vincula where many of executed were buried.  Before leaving the Tower of London, we also visited the Wakefield (torture) Tower, the impressive White Tower and the medieval palace rooms.  Our picnic lunch was made all the more interesting with a visit from one of the Tower ravens, who was keen to scavenge scraps of food.

After leaving the Tower of London, the group then boarded a boat for a Thames river cruise.  As we sailed up the river and under Tower Bridge, one of the crew pointed out landmarks and told us interesting anecdotes.

Very tired after a full day, we returned home to Cardiff.  Pupils and staff learnt lots and enjoyed the experience, but most of all we had had a fun day!  

Written by Mr A Smith




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