
News Blog

Posted on: 29/11/2023

Remembrance 2023

In the weeks leading up to Friday 10th November, there were a number of remembrance activities organised to take place in school.  Before half term, pupils in all year groups had the opportunity to write a remembrance message on a card poppy.  These poppies (with some wonderful messages) were stuck to a length of green hessian cloth to create a 10 metre poppy cascade to be displayed in the ‘heart space’ area of our new school. 

Remembrance assemblies were delivered to Years 7-11 and the theme of our weekly wisdom was remembrance.  Poppies and poppy merchandise were sold around the school and at breaktime.  Because the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month fell on a Saturday this year, we held our own armistice and remembrance commemoration on Friday 10th November. 

Being able to combine the halls in our new school, were able to invite two whole year groups, Years 7 and 8 to be part of the event with proceedings being streamed to all of the other year groups around the school.  Break ended with the sombre music of Elgar’s Nimrod playing on the school tannoy, whilst pupils and staff made their way to their venue ready for 10.45am.  The familiar readings and poems were read by volunteers and for the first time this year, the Fitzalan Finches choir sang the poignant song, Keep the Home Fires Burning, with marching drums being played in the final verse. 

A wreath was laid by the Fitzalan Royal Nay Cadets and the two minute silence was held at 11am.  Another first this year, was the playing of the Last Post to conclude the two minute silence.  As always it was moving to have the school united in dignified and respectful remembrance. 

Thank you everyone who contributed to make remembrance at Fitzalan, a special time once again.

Written by Mr A Smith
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