
News Blog

Posted on: 10/11/2022

ECO Club - Indoor Air Quality Monitor Workshop

Eco-club trip – Indoor Air Quality Monitor Workshop 

On Monday 7th November 2022 Mr. L. Ibrahim took a group of eco-club pupils to Grangetown Pavilion to attend an indoor air quality monitoring workshop. 

The workshop was delivered by Dr. Tom Smith (senior lecturer in human geography) from the school of geography and planning at Cardiff University and Dr. Gabriela Zapata-Lancaster (lecturer) from the Welsh school of architecture at Cardiff University. 

Upon arrival the pupils filled in worksheets relating to the energy crisis and spoke briefly about the effects electricity has on the climate.  Through the workshop the pupils gathered information with modern temperature and humidity detectors both indoors and outdoors. 

Finally, the pupils generated ideas on how to reduce the amount of energy used in school buildings.   

Written by Mr S Draper




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