

Letter from Headteacher

Please find below the latest information from Mrs Bradshaw concerning the WG guidance concerning the 'Firebreak' for schools.


21st October 2020

Dear Parents

Thank-you very much for all your support this term.  All our pupils have risen to the occasion, worked extremely hard and coped well with the current situation. Just to remind you, Friday 23rd October is an INSET day for all pupils.

After half term, the week beginning 2nd November is part of the Welsh Government’s ‘firebreak’.  


  • Years 7 and 8 will be in school every day and for all of their lessons.
  • Pupils who receive specialist provision  in all year groups will be in school every day and for all of their lessons
  • Years 9, 10, 11, 12 and 13 mainstream pupils will not be in school and their lessons will be online.  They will have their lessons at their normal timetabled time through Teams.  Please could you make sure that your children are up and ready to learn at the start of each school day.  Pupils will need to log onto Teams and accept the lesson invitation from their class teacher at the start of each lesson.  If you have any concerns regarding access to IT, please follow the links below or, contact your child’s Head of Year. /1095/parental-support-with-home-learning
  • The school buses will run as normal throughout the ‘firebreak’ week.
  • School dinners will be available as normal for all pupils in Years 7 and 8, including those on FSM 
  • Cardiff Council will provide a voucher for mainstream pupils in Years 9, 10, 11, 12 and 13 who are entitled to FSM.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding the ‘firebreak’ week, please contact the school. 

This letter is also available on the school website and it can be translated into other languages by clicking on the ïƒ¾ button on the menu at the top of the home page.

Yours sincerely


C Bradshaw




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